Sunday, November 14, 2010

Creating a welcome landing page on Facebook

I was trying to create a welcome page on facebook that automatically loads when new people come to my page. The information is out there when you google but I found that a lot of the information is old given Facebook changes the settings so often. I have had a lot of generous photographers share information and templates so I thought I would give back by detailing a step by step approach to creating a welcome page on Facbook. I hope it is useful to someone.

Step 1: Create a JPEG.
Facebook images are usually 720 on the long side however I found this to be too wide for the welcome page. My welcome page is 500 wide by 1,200 long. You can afford to have a longer image if you need to. When creating this page, remember this will be the first thing people see when they visit your facebook page so it needs to work for you.

Step 2: Upload your JPEG
The JPEG will need to be supported by a third party host like photobucket or flickr.

Step 3: Add the FBML application
On Facebook, search for the FBML application. Click on the application, click 'add to my page' and select the page you want to add it to and press close.

Step 4: Alter the FBML application information
Go to your page and click "Edit page" under your profile picture. Click on "applications" on the list on the left of the screen. On the right part of the screen, the FBML application will be listed. Click on "go to application". In the Box Title field, type in the name you want to give your tab. I chose ~Welcome~

In the FBML box, copy and paste the following
<img src="http:selectimagelocation.jpg">

The red text should be replaced with the path to your image.

Click on 'save changes' down the bottom.

Step 5: Make your welcome page a landing page.
You can make your welcome page your default page for everyone who clicks on your link. This won't apply for people who already 'like' you, they will automatically see your wall.

Click on 'options' on your wall as per image below:

Click on 'settings' as per image below

And select the ~Welcome~ tab from the drop down menu next to "Default Landing Tab for Everyone Else" as per image below

If you test your page you should find that your default page for all 'non-likers' should now be your new welcome page.

Feel free to visit my facebook page

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